The Sirolo Picene Princess Grave

The Sirolo Picene Princess Grave

In Sirolo you will find an interesting archeological area at Pini place. This area is very important because it is the only one in Marche in which is possible visiting a sector of Picene Necropolis. In 1989, in this archeological area it has been found out the “Sirolo Princesse Grave”, a funerary complex belonging to […]

Marche Region’s Archeological National Museum in Ancona

Ferretti Palace | Ancona

On the slopes of Guasco hill, where Ancona supreme Dome stands up (with its supremacy), you can find out the as elegant as majestic Ferretti Palace, also known as “San Pellegrino” because of its vicinity of the St. Pellegrino agli Scalzi Church. Since 1958, it is over there that you can meet Marche Region’s National […]

Omero Tactile Museum of Ancona

Omero Tactile Museum of Ancona

The Omero Tactile Museum of Ancona is in Tiziano Str. nearby the centre of Marche Region governance offices. The Museum is the only one in Italy allowing the tactile vision of artworks. It has been conceived and realized by Roberto Farroni together with Aldo Grassini and Daniela Bottegoni; it is exclusively addressed to allow the […]

Ancona City Picture-Gallery F. Podesti – Bosdari Palace

Ancona City Picture-Gallery F. Podesti – Bosdari Palace

Starting from Pope Square and going up for the narrow and characteristic Pizzecolli Str. – a typical street of the historic city centre – you can meet Bosdari Palace that is the centre of City Picture-Gallery Francesco Podesti. On the half of XVII century the Dalmatian origins family Bosdari achieved the building and transferred over […]

Lazzaretto | Ancona Vanvitelli Stately Building

Lazzaretto | Ancona Vanvitelli Stately Building

Since remote times people coming and going, the trade of resources and materials produced in every country have unfortunately determined the risk of diseases’ infection spread. The risk obviously was higher in seaside towns, where the port was one of the most important places of exchange and communication; therefore, also in Ancona was built the […]

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